Atomic Biometrics Application Partners

Building Bridges to new Applications and Systems

As an Identity Proofing System, Atomic Biometrics helps our gateway partners by providing a secure foundation for them to build their applications upon. Whether you’re the lastest cool mobile app, or the most entrenched access control company, working together with Atomic Biometrics can be mutually beneficial.

Gateway Partners are typically application providers and developers who have contributed toward building interconnectivity between their products and ours. Our teams work in conjunction to build case studies which will provide further use for the Atomic Biometrics system as well as direct augmentation of the identity systems which application providers depend upon.

First and foremost, when our clients are looking for industry specific solutions, we direct them to our Application Partners!

Are you interested in Becoming an Application partner?

Application Partners are a critical part of our ecosystem, and we’re looking forward to building great bridges together.